The oil and gas industry employs millions of people and generates a great deal of revenue across the globe. As our country's main source of fuel, this industry is no stranger to most people. Whenever you fill your car's gas tank or use a gas stove, you become a participant in the oil and gas industry.
The oil and gas field has its own set of risks that pose a threat to on-site workers. With such a large scope, there are a number of on-the-job health and safety hazards for employees in this sector. Chemicals, equipment, explosions, and falls are all potential dangers that workers in this industry face.
Mobile Medical Corporation (MMC) has a large staff of trained medical professionals who understand the unique situations that each industry faces, including oil and gas. MMC strives to keep oil refinery and natural gas pipeline workers safe while on the job.
The oil and gas industry has numerous environments that make up this sector. These environments are very large scale and call for the most effective, reliable, and specialized occupational health and safety services. Mobile Medical offers an assortment of occupational health and safety services to those in the oil and gas sector, such as:
The services listed above are designed to enhance the health, safety, and well-being of workers in the oil and gas industry, specifically. While these are ideal for employers looking to better their worker's environments, MMC offers a wide array of occupational health services in general. To learn more about all we have to offer, contact a Mobile Medical representative today.
The threat of climate change has grown in recent years and the shift away from fossil fuels is becoming prevalent. In the years that this shift continues to grow, it's possible that we may see a decline in the demand for oil and gas.
However, this industry has seen a great demand in resources, as prices for oil and gas have risen during the pandemic. The rise in demand has many implications on the entire United States economy as a whole, as inflation rises parallel to these fuels.
Newer technological advances, such as electric cars and solar panels, have become more popular among consumers who desire to move away from non-renewable fossil fuels. Regardless of the standard energy sources and new, emerging industries, occupational health and safety in either environment will prove a great benefit to both employer and employee. Interested in how our services can benefit your workforce? Contact one of our Mobile Medical representatives today.